
Monday, February 18, 2013

Dog Crap in Car

My grandsons love our trips to McDonald's.  I was recently heading to there with two chatty little boys in the back seat.  They love their Happy Meals and aren't even a little concerned about the nutritional detriments.  Their biggest concern is that they don’t get another crummy Happy Meal toy!  After eating we head back to the car as they clutch some plastic creature toy in their little hands…..with chocolate smeared on their faces.  As I buckle up, I suddenly smell poop.  Now they are way beyond the accident stage, so I get out and lean into the back seat to see if can determine the source of the odor.  There it is… crap all over a little scuffed up Nike tennis shoe AND now smeared all over the back of the driver’s seat!  I figure I now have e-coli in my car, but maybe this is a sign from God that I should get a new car.  Since I can’t afford a new car, I quickly ruled that out.  We rode home with the windows down (which they loved….me…not so much).  The smell is gone but there will forever be a brown stain that I could not completely get off the back of the seat!   At this stage in my life, I can smile at the brown dog crap stain, and fondly remember a trip to McDonald’s with my grandsons.   

1 comment:

Jim said...

I can remember when you and i were kids and would take turns leading each other around the trying to cause the one with their eyes closed to step in a pile of fresh dog poop...I believe I won!