
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Nose Blowing

Even though it is early in the year, I already have a number of sick students. I am absolutely astounded at how loud a 6th grade boy can blow his nose.  Some of my “nose blowers” sound like a race car flying around the track, or a musical instrument of some sort.  Sometimes when the “nose blower” starts, I will actually glance around the room thinking everyone is going to be snickering or disgusted; however, they are usually all on task and appear to be oblivious to the racket.  It is probably just as well that they appear to be unaware that there is suddenly a herd of elephants in the classroom because I might accidentally give them my, “I know, right?” look.  Maybe when I see a student approach the Kleenex box, I should announce, “Everybody take cover!”  

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