
Monday, September 29, 2014

Praying for Strangers

            Have you ever encountered a look-alike?  I saw my mom at church today.  Oh, I know it wasn't really her as she has been dead for many years now; however, from the side profile, this lady looked so much like my mother, Mary.  She had the same gray hair sprinkled with white strands as my mom.  Even the cut and style, full of body and waves, reminded me of mom’s hair.  Her blouse resembled something my mom would wear with orange, brown, and yellow flowers. 
          I found myself staring at this lady throughout the service.  I kept hoping she would turn so I could see more of her face – knowing she would probably no longer remind me of my mom.  In the end, as she turned to leave, I saw that she did not resemble my mom from the front.  As I think about this lady, I feel lead to pray for her, a stranger, this week; praying for good things in her life.   As I reflect on this experience, it made me think more about praying for strangers; something I should do more often.
            In her book, Praying for Strangers, River Jordan states, “Praying for Strangers is specifically about connecting with one person at a time. To do so, one must first become aware, really aware of the human condition in a personal way. As you move through the days ahead, don't let the need to pray for someone rule your mind. Don't think it. Just open your eyes. Truly, open your eyes. In the course of any given day you will cross paths with many people through your life or by way of social and mass media sources.”

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