
Monday, September 9, 2013

Awkward Moments

     Have you ever walked in on someone in the restroom?   If I made a list of awkward moments, walking in on someone in the restroom would definitely be on my list.  I must confess, I seem to have a knack for doing this.  Sunday I attempted to stroll into the restroom at Marshall’s…..if you have ever used this particular restroom, you are aware that the door swings open automatically once you start opening it….and it is hard to close again; therefore, it is not like I could quickly shut the door.  Holding her dress up and walking sort of like….hmmmmm…..a crab, this lady scurries to the door and says, “I’m not done!”  Obviously she thinks I am intentionally keeping the door open. Unfortunately for her, the main door to this little area was propped open, so people entering or exiting the store were able to watch this play out.
   Finally I get the door closed again only to look up at the exit area to see a lady obviously howling with laughter (a friend of hers).  I just smiled and shrugged.  Secretly I was hoping the “crab walker” would not try to kick my a@# when she came out.  


Jim said...

I did some serious laughing at this one. I too have had some great bathroom moments...

Blurbs by Brenda said... seems I remember two of at Aunt Alma's and one when you had been invited to a friend's house for dinner.