
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Saying Something Inappropriate

     “I’m going say something inappropriate!” chirped my grandson from the backseat of my car. We had just been out to eat, and we were heading home. I could not decide whether to use my stern nana voice and stop him before he blurted out the “inappropriate” word, or just be quiet and eavesdrop. Of course, I opted to eavesdrop. “Hmmmmm,” I pondered, “what could his inappropriate word be?” Obviously all three boys (a friend had joined us) had forgotten that I am driving the car and might overhear the word.

     Suddenly, Brady blurts out in a rather loud voice, “FART!” All three boys yelped with laughter. You would have thought that he was a stand-up comic on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Within a matter of seconds, the word was belted out numerous times with more laughter erupting from the backseat. Knowing they are not allowed to use that word, I knew I now had to use my stern nana voice and end the fun. Besides, I was afraid they might start demonstrating the word if I didn't. Let me add, I have been blessed with a keen sense of smell illustrated by the fact that I can detect accurately who hath ‘dealt it’ between at least four humans and one dog. Hence, the fun was over!

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